Class Attendance Policy:
Teachers record attendance in class every morning at 09.30 and then again at 11.30hrs (after coffee break). Attendance is also recorded during the afternoon fluency, business and exam classes. All students should maintain at least an 85% attendance record at all times. Students arriving 15 to 30 minutes late will be marked with ‘L’ on the attendance register. They will be allowed to join the class but will not be credited with attendance for first lesson of the session. Students arriving 30 or more minutes late will be marked with “A” (absent) for the first 2 lessons of the session and will not be allowed to join the class until the next scheduled break. It is not possible to recover classes missed due to student illness (certified or uncertified). All issues relating to attendance policy should be addressed to the Director of Studies, Mr. Derek Bettencourt ( Students from outside the European Economic Area Area (EEA) attending Long Stay Courses (staying in Ireland longer than 90 days) must comply with additional regulations. Information for students from outside the European Economic Area. Discipline & Expulsion: Horner School of English reserve the right to terminate services in the following circumstances: Non-payment of fees, anti-social behaviour, bullying or violence towards any other person, abuse of drugs or alcohol, damage to property, reported shoplifting offence or any other infringement of Irish law. Horner School of English will not accept responsibility for any loss or additional expense incurred by the student in relation to the termination of services. Horner School of English will not refund remaining fees where a student is expelled from the school. Students are legally and financially responsible for any damage or injury they may cause to buildings, furniture, fittings, individuals’ or host family property, etc.