Individual Adult Students: Some students may request an airport pick-up on arrival or a drop-off on departure. In these cases we always employ the services of a specialist transport company to provide the transfer service. Students must pay an extra fee for this type of service and arrangements are usually made well in advance.
Other students choose to take a taxi themselves directly to or from your house to the airport. Whichever method the student chooses, ours school will always inform you of the flight time and of the estimated arrival time, at your house.
Students Travelling Together as a Group: If your student is arriving/departing as part of a group, we will usually bring the group to a central meeting point and we will ask you to collect your student from that central location at a specific time. We will give you the flight number and arrival time for the group, so you can monitor the flight for any delays. Payment for collection is already included within the hosting rate agreed.