You may cancel your course for any reason up to 08 days before your course start date and receive either a full refund of your tuition fees or a tuition voucher, valid for 1 year.
In the event of a lock-down request from government or a whole class quarantine request from public health authorities, your classes will be moved online.
In that event, the online classes
● will be conducted using video meeting software such as ‘Zoom’.
● will follow a similar format as our normal English classes.
● will be of same total duration and lesson length.
● will be divided by level (which means you will continue studying in your level).
● will have a maximum of 15 students per class.
● will be live interactive classes, taught by the same experienced and fully qualified teachers.
● will have a collaborative and task based approach, focusing on speaking and language production, and
● will be supplemented by a Learning Management System (such as Google Classroom).
If you would like to read our FULL Terms and Conditions, please follow this link: Terms & Conditions (Horner School of English)