English Language Club

Articles and useful tips connected to grammar and English language learning

How to improve your English vocabulary

Top tips for building and retaining English vocabulary English can be a frustrating language to learn (there, their, they’re I’m looking at you!) You learn all the tenses at the A1 level and then are still learning new rules for the same tenses at C1. Even these are full of irregular verbs that seem to have no rhyme or reason. But while grammar and pronunciation for the most part follow sets of rules, which can be applied to different scenarios, vocabulary often lacks these types of guides. Th [...]

By |2024-07-25T11:42:09+01:00July 23rd, 2024|English Language Club|

Realistic English Tasks, in the ESL language classroom

How to develop a practical and immersive learning environment: The effectiveness of English language instruction often depends on the teaching styles employed by the language school and the educator. The approach favoured can significantly impact the learners’ engagement and proficiency.  Choosing from the very large range of teaching styles and approaches, we here at Horner School of English believe that the integration of real-life communication skills and task based language activities are [...]

By |2024-05-22T12:45:25+01:00May 22nd, 2024|English Language Club|

What Are Prepositions of Place in English: A Comprehensive Guide

Mastering Prepositions of Place in English: A Comprehensive Guide What Are Prepositions of Place: Prepositions of place are fundamental components of English grammar that help us describe the location of people, objects, or events in relation to other things. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned English learner, understanding how to use prepositions of place correctly is essential for effective communication. In this article, we will delve into the intricacies of using prepositions of place [...]

By |2024-03-07T10:36:21+00:00March 7th, 2024|English Language Club|

How to Improve English Skills Quickly

Effective Strategies for Rapid Progress in English: How to Improve English Skills Quickly: In today's interconnected world, proficiency in English is more important than ever. If you're looking to advance your career, communicate effectively with people from different cultures, or simply enjoy English literature and media, enhancing your English skills can open up a world of opportunities. Fortunately, there are several ways you can improve English skills quickly to become more fluent in E [...]

By |2024-02-07T22:12:29+00:00February 7th, 2024|English Language Club|

What transferable skills should you include on your CV

What transferable skills should you include on the CV?  On the previous article we discussed “what are transferable skills”, to recap quickly, here is the definition. Transferable skills are a core set of skills and abilities, which you have learnt and perfected over time, gained from previous jobs, voluntary and charity work, your hobbies and from home. Both Soft skills and Hard skills are transferable skills. Transferable skills are essential and can be used to show YOU are a great fit for t [...]

By |2021-04-21T11:57:40+01:00April 21st, 2021|English Language Club|

Real Everyday English, Transferable Skills

Transferable Skills - What are transferable skills ? Transferable skills can be categorized as Soft and Hard skills types. Transferable skills are often requested by employers within the initial recruitment phase as they can be used to show YOU are a good fit for the job. Hard Skills are specific abilities which help people carry out different jobs, they are teachable, this means, you can develop your hard skills through focused and dedicated training. Hard Skills: A Degree or other Academic [...]

By |2021-04-21T10:29:22+01:00April 13th, 2021|Horner School News, English Language Club|

Tense Combinations with the Narrative Tenses

By Rob Lane In a previous article, we looked at the narrative tenses: past simple, past continuous, and past perfect. Although these tenses are not very difficult in theory, in practice, learners have difficulty using them fluently in conversation. In this article, we will look at how these tenses are typically combined using linking words to form more complex sentences. Before reading this article, I recommend that you read the article entitled The Past – Which Tense. To review, past simple i [...]

By |2019-10-17T18:08:13+01:00December 15th, 2015|English Language Club|

Could have, Should have, and the Third Conditional

By Rob Lane In this post, we will look the structures could have done, should have done, and the third conditional. All three are past hypothetical structures. These structures are typically used to comment on the past. That can include appraisals, commenting on past situations, and expressing regret. Past modals, and more specifically, modal perfect can be difficult to use correctly and learners often avoid using it. This is a shame because similar structures are used in many other languages, [...]

By |2017-12-13T20:43:34+00:00November 23rd, 2015|English Language Club|

Enough and Plenty

By Rob Lane The words enough and plenty are often misused, particularly at Intermediate level. They are very common words and learners should take care to use them correctly. Both words can be used to express quantity. Enough means a sufficient amount whereas plenty means enough and potentially more. Do we have enough time? Don't worry, my friend. We have plenty of time. Enough Enough can be used as an adjective, an adverb, a pronoun, and an interjection. Use enough before a noun but after an [...]

By |2017-12-13T20:43:25+00:00November 9th, 2015|English Language Club|

Phrasal Verb List – Part One

By Rob Lane In a previous article, we saw an overview of phrasal verbs outlining how to study and use them. If you have not read the introduction, you should go back and do so before reading this. In this article, we will see some of the most common phrasal verbs along with a brief explanation and example for each. Remember that there are often a number of different possible meanings for each phrasal verbs. In the list below I have included only the most common for each verb. Note that with ea [...]

By |2017-12-13T20:43:24+00:00October 20th, 2015|English Language Club|

Improve your Fluency – Collocation

By Rob Lane Lexical Collocations The concept of collocation is, unfortunately, only introduced to learners in most textbooks at upper-intermediate and advanced level. However, everybody uses them every day and most of the time they work. But, sometimes they don't. Have you ever heard someone say they made a party? Have you ever heard a native speaker say it? Has the speaker made or done a mistake? If two words are a collocation, that means that it is common for native speakers to use them toge [...]

By |2017-12-13T20:43:23+00:00September 25th, 2015|English Language Club|

Position of Adverbs

By Rob Lane Learners often have difficulty with putting adverbs in the correct position in sentences. In this article, I will give an overview of the types of adverbs and where they go in sentences. Generally, there are three positions: front, middle, and end. The types of adverb we will see are manner, place, time, frequency, degree, and comment. Readers should remember that this article is designed as an overview and a lot of other things are possible.   Adverbs of Manner e.g. carefully [...]

By |2017-12-13T20:43:21+00:00September 28th, 2014|English Language Club|

Quantifiers – much, many and a lot of

By Rob Lane Much, many and a lot of are quantifiers which are used to indicate the amount or quantity of a countable or uncountable noun. Other examples of quantifiers include a little, a few, some, all and enough. In this article, I will focus on many, much and a lot of as these can be particularly confusing for learners. I will outline some of the fundamental rules first in a way that should allow learners to use them with minimal risk of error. Then, I will deal with some of the exceptions [...]

By |2017-12-13T20:43:15+00:00September 1st, 2014|English Language Club|

Future Perfect

  By Rob Lane Introduction In the last post, we looked at Future Continuous. Another tense that we see frequently with this is Future Perfect. In the previous article, I gave an example of this. A. Can we meet at 2 pm tomorrow? B. Unfortunately, I’ll be having lunch with a client at 2. But, we’ll have finished by 2.30 so I can come to your office then. Although both Future Continuous and Future Perfect have limited application, you should be familiar with them. Typically, you will focus o [...]

By |2017-12-13T20:43:14+00:00August 12th, 2014|English Language Club|

Future Continuous

  By Rob Lane In a previous article we saw that four key tenses are used for future: present simple for schedules, future simple (will) for reactions or new decisions, going to when you have intention, and present continuous when the future is arranged. There are many other ways in which we can express future ideas. One of these structures is future continuous.   A. Can we meet at 2 pm tomorrow? B. Unfortunately, I'll be having (1) lunch with a client at 2. But, we'll have finished ( [...]

By |2017-12-13T20:43:12+00:00July 16th, 2014|English Language Club|

Phrasal Verbs – An Introduction

By Rob Lane Phrasal verbs are often frightening for learners. While they are commonly used by native speakers, learners have difficulty understanding and using them. A phrasal verb is a verb comprised of a verb and one or two propositions. James picked Sam up from the station. Joan is looking forward to her vacation. In the classroom, dictionaries, and textbooks, a broad definition of phrasal verbs is used. A more restricted definition does not include phrasal verbs that have a literal sense. [...]

By |2017-12-13T20:43:11+00:00July 2nd, 2014|English Language Club|

Inversion with Negative Adverbials

Inversion with Negative Adverbials By Rob Lane   Negative adverbials are words or phrases used to be restrictive, emphatic, or dramatic. They are used at the beginning of sentences and require one to invert the following subject and verb. Only then did I realise my error. Never before have I seen such beauty. Seldom do I eat fast food. Although more commonly used in written English, they are also used in spoken English. The most common mistake people make with these structures is to fail to [...]

By |2017-12-13T20:42:01+00:00June 12th, 2014|English Language Club|

Some and Any, Much and Many

How To Use Some and Any | Much and Many The differences between some and any, and also, much, many, and a lot, often cause difficulties for learners. These are examples of quantifiers. Although the rules are not complicated, there are a number of exceptions that can cause confusion. In this article, we will look at the rules for some and any and see examples to illustrate the differences and potential errors in use. This article looks at the basic usage of these words and so learners should a [...]

By |2019-05-22T22:54:13+01:00May 27th, 2014|English Language Club|

Wish and If Only

Wish & If Only By Rob Lane In an earlier post, we looked at the second conditional and saw that it is formed by using past simple in the conditional clause. This conditional is used for hypothetical ideas in present or future. In a number of structures in English, the past simple is used when we speak about hypothesis in present or future. The verb wish requires similar construction. If only can be used with the same structures. In this post, I will set out three commonly used structures wit [...]

By |2017-10-11T09:19:09+01:00May 8th, 2014|English Language Club|

Comparison with Adjectives

Comparison with Adjectives by Rob Lane   In this article, we will look at some of the simple forms used for comparison. These patterns are rigid and learners must respect the pattern to avoid typical mistakes. Firstly, we will look at comparisons of similarity, and then comparisons of difference. Comparing difference is much more complex than comparing similarity so learners should be careful with the rules.   Comparing Similarity X (be) + as + adjective + as Y Tom is as tall as Sam. & [...]

By |2017-10-11T09:19:10+01:00April 24th, 2014|English Language Club|