The Work Experience Programme / Internship Placement Service

designed for students, graduates and young professionals aged 20 years or over with a good English level. An internship is an opportunity to gain real-life experience in a relevant business sector, observe and participate in the operation of an organisation and gain a realistic understanding of working life.

Before you commence your Work Experience Placement, you must take a minimum of 4 weeks Standard Plus Business Course at The Horner School of English.

Will I get paid?

Generally no, all work is unpaid. Your hours of work and the tasks assigned to you will be the responsibility of the host company. An internship gives you valuable experience in a real-world working environment, with an opportunity to develop professional, interpersonal and linguistic skills.

How long is an internship ?

Work experience placements are arranged for periods of 6 weeks to 24 weeks. 6 weeks is the minimum period, 8 to 12 weeks work placement is preferable. This programme is available during the academic year (January to June & October to December). This programme is not available during the Summer season (July, August & September).

How many hours per week is an intern required to work?

No more than 37½ hours per week. In fact in most places you will work less hours than this. You should follow the working hours, dress code and other regulations of the host organisation. It is important to arrive to work on time each day, be punctual, and always apologise if you arrive late.

What are the obligations of the host organisation?

Before you commence the Internship you will receive a detailed overview of your placement to include:

– Host Company Name & Address, Contact Name, Map Location and Website Link

– Internship Position, Tasks & Responsibilities

The host organisation will assign a “supervisor” or mentor to act as your main point of contact during the internship.

Choose from any of the following business sectors:

  • Accounting & Finance
  • Business Administration
  • Arts
  • Communication
  • Education
  • Engineering
  • Fashion & Design
  • Food & Beverage
  • Healthcare
  • Hotels
  • Human Resources
  • Import & Export
  • Information Technology
  • Journalism
  • Marketing
  • Media
  • Non Profit Organisations
  • Publishing
  • Recreation
  • Retail
  • Sales
  • Social Studies
  • Telecommunications
  • Tourism
  • Transportation


How much does it cost ?

€450.00 to cover the cost of arranging your work placement. In addition to this placement fee you will also have the cost of your English language course & your accommodation.

COSTS: 4 wk language course + 8 wk work placement:

€450.00 Work Experience Placement Fee (non refundable)
€1046.00 Standard Plus Business English Course (4 weeks) 2012 rate. You may take a longer course if you wish.
€75.00 Course Registration fee
€2100.00 Accommodation-Host Family – 4 wks course & 8 wks Work Placement     *accommodation is optional*
€3671.00 Total Price

How to make your application:

  • Complete the school registration form. Or make your application online.
  • Choose 3 areas (from the above business sectors listing) taking into account your education, training & experience. We ask prospective interns to provide three sector choices so that, if we cannot secure a placement in your first choice, we have other options that are also of interest.
  • Prepare a 1 page “Curriculum Vitae” in English detailing your education and work experience to date . (We will send this CV to the host companies)
  • Prepare a letter of application in English, this letter should briefly explain a little about you, your personality and what you hope to achieve in your future career . (We will send this to the host companies)

It takes approximately 6 weeks to arrange a work placement. You may be asked to attend some interviews during the period of your English Course. You can choose Horner School Accommodation during your work placement period, however please note your workplace may not be located close to the accommodation. You will travel to your place of work by public transport. We will assist you with all the necessary arrangements. The Work Experience Placement Fee is a non refundable fee in the event of cancellation or other circumstance.